Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Diwali - Festival of Lights

Shoes off

Enter holy

Glamour and sparkle of dress



Jokes in Telugu
I smile

Gents one room

Ladies another
Children in the middle
We keep it that way

I honor Amma

Spoken language doesn't translate
I kiss her cheek
She understands


Glorious food!
Intricate combinations of spices
Indian cooking

Tangy tamarind rice

Spicy finger cucumbers with coconut
Crunchy onion bhajis
Sour curds


This one is special
My tongue probes the mystery
Is is dry mango?


I seek she who created
She laughs
It’s simple really

She unravels the mystery

My tongue still questions

Indian sweets

The ordinary dressed up in
Ghee, cream, sugar, rose water,
Cardamom and bits of nuts



An Indian bride

Silk, henna and jewels...
Confectionery of pure beauty

Pride of Indian cooking

We discuss recipes
Swap ideas

We want to recreate culinary memories

That dish from that restaurant
Mama’s specialty
Scenes from childhood

Stew of ideas and memories

Stir into each dish
And me, the “foreigner”,
Became “one of us”
because “nothing is too spicy”

Kids emerge

Promise made of spewed lights
We rush into the cold night

A light spectacle

Tantalize young and old.
Gingerly I hold a sparkler
Always afraid of fire

Big Loud explosions!

Bright showers of color.
Spinning furious chameleon tops.
Flaming fireballs shoot.

The Grand Finale spirals

Rocket and Boom!
An umbrella of colored stars
Explode leaves me breathless

Smoke clears

We enter the house
Bushes are covered in jeweled lights
Our saris brush by all sparkle

We carry the light too

Lights in constellations
Bursting momentary lights
Electric lights
Candle light - serenest of all

We are lights

We reflect that Greater Light
The Creator of all lights
He whispers to us:

“Let your light shine

before others....” Matt. 5:16

He says, “I am the Light

of the world. Whoever follows
me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12

I stop

Now it is dark
He is The Light

“So we thank Thee that

darkness reminds us of light.
O Light Invisible, we give Thee Thanks
for Thy great glory.”
T. S. Eliot The Choruses from the Rock

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